My big bug…

…is 18 on Sunday and I feel that means it’s time to impart some wisdom…just some, because I haven’t really learned all that much despite being double her age!

So here it is bug everything I’ve learned and everything I want for you..the first won’t take long the second is a never ending list

1. Get on birth control and ALWAYS but ALWAYS use protection!! I will continue to send you pictures of various STD’s (not mine people not mine..) and tell you horror stories (not mine again!) until you do. But seriously it’s the most important thing you’ll do for your independence and freedom as a woman.

2. Be brave, the world feels so very big when we’re starting out and it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day of living and keeping our head above water but be brave enough to take the time to learn exactly what you want from life and how to get there.

3. Make mistakes. Seriously, I mean it! Be the girl who’s with the wrong guy, who drinks too much, who says the wrong thing, who travels a little down the wrong path. It’s easy to make the safe decisions but you rarely learn from them or grow so don’t be afraid to go for it

4. But then…get smart quicker than me and learn to admit a mistake…don’t travel too far down the wrong road and be unwilling to ask for help and admit you were wrong because of pride etc…this will be a tough line to straddle but luckily enough I’ve made enough mistakes to help you out here!

5. Keep your heart open. This is a rough one baby girl, cause life is gonna suck…a whole lot sometimes…and you’re gonna get hurt..a whole lot sometimes. But the one thing I wish I’d been was strong enough to not let it turn me into the worlds most cynical bitch…you have a heart as big as a mountain and it makes you so special to everyone who loves you so please don’t let life’s hardships make you hard or fearful.

6. Please please don’t spend your life obsessed with your looks and weight. Learn from the rest of our lifelong obsessions that that shit does not make you happy. Exercise for the endorphins and because we need you to live to 120 and eat the good food cause it tastes good and because you’re too smart to believe we need 8 bars of chocolate a day to get through one period…righhhht?

And here’s what I hope for for my big bug as a grown up…

I hope you have an interesting life, I hope you travel as much or as little as you want. I want you to have the best friendships, the ones that you build each other up and grow together and never try to keep each other in a box.

I wish you love. One great love or many epic romances that give you butterflies and excitement and that you learn from. But more I hope you love yourself flaws and all, it’s the toughest relationship in the world but try to treat yourself like you treat other people and be kind.

I pray you keep getting educated, I’d love for you to find a purpose that suits you and excites you in whatever career you go for but I mostly hope you continue to learn and grow through it.

Stay kind as well, kindness is the one gift we have to make everyone feel a little better around us everyday. And you have it in spades so please use it…be empathetic, try to always put youself in others shoes even if you don’t agree with them.

I’ve been there from the day you were born and I’ll be there until the day I die and even after, and I’ve never been prouder than I am of you every damn day since you arrived (thanks Caz and Kev). Imperfectly perfect in every way.

Also, don’t pluck your eyebrows too thin, they’ll never grow back the same, take care of your teeth, don’t ever have sex with someone just so they’ll let you go to sleep after and stop annoying you, only ever do it because you want to, and try to learn your drink limits early.

Never EVER do drugs..I will sense it, I will find you and I WILL kill you. Learn to drive so you can cart me around.

Mostly, I look forward to learning from you cause in fairness you’ve always been smarter than me anyways and you’ve been teaching me and helping me grow since you were born. Plus I haven’t mastered many of the above so I need you to teach me.

You’re the Jane to my Xiomara, the Rachel to my Monica, the Phoebe to my Piper and I hope you have an amazing year!

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